What Is Transhumanism? An Introduction
What is Transhumanism? That is a question philosophers have grappled with for years, and yet it is usually a vague question to answer. Some have defined it as the evolution of human culture that seeks to better understand the brain, to recreate minds, to help individuals live longer, and to improve all aspects of our existence. Others have said that it is the blending of philosophy and science in the future.
- And still others say that the Transhumanist philosophy is an extension of the philosophy of science.
- The ideals of Transhumanism are similar to those of modern science, yet, what separates them is the ultimate goal – making the human race more than human.
- Philosophy has been growing as a concept over the past couple centuries. It is widely regarded as the collection of theories that human beings have about the nature of reality, humans, and the universe we live in.
- Philosophers have developed many theories, each one addressing questions that humans, scientists, and technology have not yet been able to answer. However, they did not start out with those theories. In fact, most began with already existing theories and took their best shot at explaining why the human mind, and the universe we live in, exist.
- As a matter of fact, one of the best philosophers of science ever was Aristotle. His writings on the nature of reality and the universe we live in are considered to be some of the most profound, and influential in the history of philosophy.
- However, Aristotle and his fellow Greek philosophers started out with theories that science and other men had already addressed, and they used philosophy to further the research. That is how science became part of the science of his time.
This is essentially how science and philosophy began. But where did the idea of combining philosophy and science come from? And why is it called Transhumanism?
There is no single idea that is Transhumanist, and they are different things, even though they share similar goals. Some Transhumanists believe that we should use technology to modify and re-create ourselves. However, others believe that human enhancement is dangerous and unethical.
They believe that the concepts of science and philosophy overlap and lead to the same conclusions, however they disagree on how to apply those conclusions. They do not want science to become obsolete, but they do not want to allow unethical treatment of humans. Therefore, there is a conflict between science and philosophy.
Transhumanist philosophy has taken many forms over the years. This was a large part of the reason why the word Transhumanism became popular, because it included many different ideas. It included elements of modern science and philosophy, and also of Christian concepts.
Although philosophers and scientists differed on some things, they were often in agreement on others. They agreed that we should live longer, that we should live better, and that we should help the less fortunate. In other words, they were in agreement on several issues and disagreed on others.
Philosophy and science evolved into two different things, until now. Although there is a philosophy called Transhumanism, it is not a philosophy of science, or a philosophy of humanity. And, it certainly is not a science or philosophy of technology.
So the answer to the question, “What is Transhumanism?” remains unanswered. If you want to know what Transhumanism is, the best place to find out is on Wikipedia.
Understanding the Future of Mankind
Understanding Transhumanism is a challenge for a scientist like Ray Kurzweil. However, it is not a difficult task for him since he has always believed in the importance of science and technology to change the world for the better.
Transhumanism is science that seeks to explore what are possible in the future and how science and technology can help humanity to explore what is possible in the world in the present and the future. It means that we should try to understand what life will be like in the future. How will we live, what will our jobs be, what will our responsibilities be?
It also means that we should prepare ourselves to face our human condition and learn from its ups and downs. We should prepare ourselves to accept the fact that our lives will change and not trying to escape from it. I think this is a good lesson to take on. It also helps us to come up with new ideas for solving problems in the future.
We should be able to move beyond science for self-improvement to get better answers to these questions. We should be able to create more human enhancement methods that we can use in our daily lives. In other words, we should take better care of ourselves and our existence.
But this is not all about transhumanism. There is a deeper meaning of transhumanism and it is the development of life extension. We should also improve and develop ways of living longer so that we can help ourselves and the generations of tomorrow.
Scientists have been working on this for years now and it is getting closer to the final scientific model to do with human immortality. And with the advance of science and technology, we might see the possibility of human longevity soon.
Not just humans but all living things will be able to be immortalized in the future. It is already being researched on the number of years it would take to achieve human immortality. These researches are also helping scientists learn more about the age of death.
It may take millions of years or even billions of years for human immortality to be achieved, but we should be ready for the possibility and think of ways to get there. It would be sad if after hundreds of years we have not even a small glimpse of immortality.
It may not seem likely but there is a way for human longevity to be achieved by the human race in the future. Although we will reach this goal at a later time, it will be beneficial for mankind if we start thinking of this now. It will give us the motivation to solve problems and get into new fields of science and technology.
Although there is no guarantee that it will actually happen, it is our duty to find ways of improving the health of the human race. We should be able to provide humans with better living conditions. In a sense, we should give ourselves some sort of immortality in the future so that we can give good to others and help them too.
In my opinion, there is a future for human immortality. The problem is that it will be very difficult to study the effects of it. It will also be very difficult to determine its effects on future generations.
But I still believe that life extension is something that we should consider if we want to live longer and help our children to have a better future. I also believe that it should be considered by the scientist and engineers to help them in their studies.